Wednesday 10 September 2014

Finished Photoshop Test

Here is my completed photoshop test. It features a sand dune, the Eiffel Tower, a bear and a tiny astronaut.

The first step to creating this masterpiece was understanding the different layers. There are four main layers to my creation. Layer 1 is my sand dune, Layer 2 is the Eiffel Tower, Layer 3 is my Astronaut and Layer 4 is the bear. The order of the layers on the layer palette is very important. If my bear (for example) was above the astronaut, when I move the bear onto the astronaut it would cover it and vice versa.

Cutting an image is perhaps the most important part of this particular picture. I used the Polygonal Lasso Tool which allowed me to be as precise I had the patience to be. With the eiffel tower I was able to remove the background in one go, however for more complex images such as the bear I removed small chunks at a time to avoid error.

Another important aspect of creating a picture out of different pictures is the colouring. Everything needs to look in place, as it where. To edit an image colour I would go Image>Adjustments>Levels and for saturation I do the same but instead of levels I press Hue/Saturation.

Resizing an image is also very important. To do this I simply go Edit>Transform>Scale. And I do the same to rotate an image except I press Rotate as oppose to Scale.

I feel these were all the main aspects of creating the above picture. 

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