Saturday 13 December 2014

Front Cover Progres

Initially, I didn't think my cover photo stood out enough or was particularly eye-catching. To change this I went Image > Adjustments > Brightness/Contrast

Once I'd clicked 'Brightness/Contrast' a box was presented to me. I increased the Brightness to 3 and the Contrast to 29. By doing so, the picture has gained a warmer more eye-catching look.

 I did a similar thing for the Exposure. I went Image > Adjustments > Exposure and I increased the Gamma Correction to 0.85. This, again, added to the warm and inviting look.

 I wanted the eyes of the person on the cover photo to be more predominant and colouruful. The first step to making this happen involved selecting both eyes using the Magnetic Lasso Tool.

 After selecting both eyes I had to create a new layer with them. I did this by going Edit > Copy.

 To finally create the new layer I had to go Edit > Paste.
 As shown below, I now have a copy of each of the person's eyes which I can edit without affecting the rest of the picture.

 Firstly, I went to Filter > Other > High Pass...
 I set the High Pass to 20.0.

 Then I changed the layer type to 'Soft Light'

 Below the difference can be seen between the two pictures with regard to the eyes.

Left = Before
Right = After

Thursday 20 November 2014

Magazine Cover

This is a mock-up of what type of Cover Photo I want.

Friday 14 November 2014

My Finished Masthead.

Trying to find the right font.

Because I'm doing a rock magazine I want to try and create a grunge-type masthead. BLack, perhaps, isn't the most conventional of colours so I I've added a yellow background with a black border.

Sunday 9 November 2014

 YouTube Research

Generally Slipknot, My Chemical Romance and 30 Seconds to Mars are the three biggest rockbands of the now. Here are three screenshots from their most viewed songs.

The Slipknot video is disturbing and they are all wearing strange horror-film-like attire whilst they play their instruments.

The My Chemical Romance video is slightly less disturbing than the Slipknot one. It is set in a school. They are slightly punk and usually wear dark clothes. The main singer is wearing eye-liner, has pale skin and long greasy black hair.

The 30 Seconds To Mars video mainly shows audiences at their tours. Jared Leto has a large pink mohawk and usually wears leather jackets.

Friday 7 November 2014

Potential Cover Names

Production of Front Cover Plan

Week 1) Google Mock-Ups, Taking Origianl Images. - At least 20 original Images. (Picutres for Front Cover, DPS and Contents Page)

Week 2) Original Photos to be Taken (20)

Week 3) Manipulating Images, Layout of Front Cover

Week 4) Refining Design

Week 5) Friday 12th December Deadline - Front Cover of Magazine!

Week 6) Exam Week

Thursday 6 November 2014

1) My Magazine Name (Examples and Suggestions)

- Treble
- Bass
- Whammy
- Amp
- Amped
- The Beat
- Tuning
- Distort

2) My Mastehead Design & Branding

- Colours (White, Red, Black and Yellow)

Thursday 23 October 2014

My Price

Look at from magazines from within my genre

Calculate a mean price and make that your magazine price.

Look into subscription prices.

My Audience Research Data

Friday 17 October 2014

Questions for survey (Survey Monkey)

Ask at least 10 people (family/friends) questions.

1) Male/Female

2) Age 
  • 12-15
  • 16-19
  • 20-24
  • 25-35
  • 35-50
3) Occupation (Student, Full Time Education, Professional, Skilled, Manuel, Unemployed)

4) Income
  • £0 - £10k
  • £10,001 - £15k
  • £15,001 - £20k
  • £20,001 - £25k
  • £25,001 - £30k
  • £30,001+
5) Out of the following artists/bands; which is your favourite (or perhaps order of preference depending on whether Survey Monkey can do that) - (List of bands/artists from within my genre)

6) Which of the following best describes the way you consume music? (Radio, CDs, Subscription to online provider, MP3/iTunes) 

7) What are your favourite brands (Apple, Microsoft, Coca Cola, Facebook, Hugo Boss, Vans)

8) How often do you read about music online (Once a month, Twice a month, Three times a month, Four times a month, More than four times a month, Every Other Day, Every Day) 

9) How much would you pay for a fortnightly magazine? 
  • £3.40 - £3.60
  • £3.61 - £3.80
  • £3.81 - £4.00
  • £4.01 - £4.20
  • £4.21 - £4.40
  • £4.41 - £4.60
  • £4.61 - £4.80
  • £4.81 - £5.00
  • £5.01 - £5.20

Friday 10 October 2014

LIIAR Analysis of the front cover, DPS and contents page.